Audio Player Options

We include tons of settings around the audio player (in the " Customize -> Audio Player" screen) so you can adjust and personalize almost every aspect of it. We include a few different type of audio players, let's review those below -

Audio Player Types

We know the audio player is the center of your website and we take that seriously. That's why we support different types of audio players and you have full control over the player you decide to use. Here's a quick review of the different players - 

  1. Podcastpage Podcast Player - We worked hard to create the perfect custom audio player for your podcast. Our own podcast player is completely brandable, customizable, and as flexible as it can get.
  2. External Embed Players - For each episode, you can include an "Embed" audio player. For example, you can add the Spotify player or an embed audio player included from your podcast hosting provider. (We import embed players automatically from 20+ hosts)
  3. Fusebox Audio Player - If you have a account, you can easily add the Fusebox player to all your episodes in just a few clicks.
  4. Playlist Audio Player - If you want to add a playlist with your most recent episodes to any page, use the podcast playlist widget!
  5. Playlist Audio Player - Enable a continuous audio player that always keeps playing, even when you move across different pages!

Podcastpage Podcast Player

With the Podcastpage Player, you can modify the play/pause icon style, and add or remove some of the buttons (like playback speed, social sharing button, download button, or jump backwards/forward buttons). 

You can customize the appearance of the audio player further by adding a border around the player along with an inline image and/or title to go with it. You can even only display a play icon if you prefer to keep it clean and simple. 

You can add timestamps (to navigate the episode), use a sticky audio player, or add audio bars / soundwaves as the progress-bar of your player.

Default Audio Player

The default audio player includes a bunch of options you can turn on/off or modify -

  • Controls (skip back, play/pause, skip forward, progress-bar, volume controller, social sharing button, download button, and playback speed button). You can toggle the appearance of those controls or change the colors. (and even the style of the play/pause button).
  • Episode artwork - you can display or hide the episode artwork on the player itself.
  • Episode title - you can display or hide the episode title on top of the player
  • Border / Background - you can apply a border around your audio player or use a background color.
  • "Play Button Only" - if you prefer, you can select this option to only include a play button without any other controls.

Audio-bars / Soundwaves

Another really cool feature of our audio player is Soundwaves. You can enable a soundwave-like pattern instead of the default progress bar. You can change the width, border radius, and spacing of the bars.

Example: Customizing the Audio Player

External Embed Audio Player

You can enable the "Embed" audio player. This would replace the Podcastpage custom player with a native embed audio player imported from your podcast host. 

We currently support 20+ different podcast hosting providers for automatically importing the native embed audio player. While we currently support most of the biggest hosts, please let us know if you're missing that functionality for your current host.

Also, if your host is not supported, you can add the embed code manually in the episode edit screen. (We'll add more providers over time.)

Note - if you are using a Libsyn feed and want to import the embed audio player, you'll need to add ?include-libsyn-metadata=true to the URL of your podcast feed, for example -

Example of a site using the audio embed:

Fusebox Audio Player

We've partnered with Fusebox to help you easily display the Fusebox player on your podcast website. Thanks to the Fusebox integration, all of your episodes would use the Fusebox player automatically so you don't have to do anything manually.

Before enabling this integration, you'll have to set up a Fusebox account and load your podcast into that account. Fusebox offers free and premium plans, so you can choose the one that works best for you.

Once your Fusebox account is ready and you have your podcast linked over there, simply head back to Podcastpage and into the "Integrations" panel in your site settings. Then click on the Fusebox logo, toggle to "Enable" mode, and save. That's all! Here's a step by step video showcasing the integration -

Playlist Audio Player

You can easily add a playlist into any page, post, or episode. To use the playlist, simply edit your page and add the Audio Playlist widget.

Once you save the page, a playlist would be automatically added and it'll display your most recent podcast episodes -

Sticky Audio Player

Using the sticky audio player option enables an audio player that appears at the bottom of your website at all times. Your listeners could then listen to your podcast episodes while still browsing and moving through your site. Additionally, it's easy to switch between episodes while browsing the site, so you're not limited to display only one episode there.

The "Sticky" mode works for both our custom audio player and for the "Embed Player" option. By default it would load the most recent episode, unless your visitors land on an episode page directly, and then the player of that specific episode would appear.

Here's an example of a website using the sticky audio player: