Multiple Podcasts

If you want to display several shows (and all of their episodes) on a single website, we fully support these types of multi-podcast or "Podcast Network" websites. If you're on the "Business" plan, you have ability to import multiple podcasts to one website.

This is great if you run a few podcasts and want to display all of them on the same domain, if you have a podcast network, or just want to aggregate a many different podcasts on the same website.

Adding multiple podcasts is easy. Just head into the "Podcasts" screen, and click on the "Add Podcast" button. Then just follow the quick import wizard to connect your additional podcasts. The basic plan includes up to 50 shows, but we also support larger numbers in case you need to add up to 500 or more shows to the same website.

Once you add more than one podcast, you'll find a new widget available in the Page Builder called "Podcasts". 

This widget can be added to any page to display a grid or carousel of all your shows:

You can add this widget to any page and customize many layout and styling options around it:

One you add more than one podcast, all the episode lists, subscribe button widgets, reviews, review forms and other parts of your site should automatically adapt and display them appropriately. (episodes would display in a mixed list, but you can control that if needed. Subscribe buttons would be separated to multiple blocks - one for each podcast).

Below is another example of the multi-podcast layout from our Trane website template. You can explore that demo site and check all the different parts mentioned above to get more ideas -

Note - When you add more than one podcast, the URLs of your podcast episode would always include the podcast's name. Your old URLs ("") would still work, but will redirect to the new URL structure (""), this would make your site easier to navigate and handle SEO much better given you'll be using multiple shows.

Example: Multiple Podcasts