Site Customizer

With Podcastpage, you get a beautiful website created for you in seconds. Your site can really be launched and published within minutes, but it's also fully customizable.

If you really want to make it your own, check out the hundreds of options we included in the 'Customize' screen.

The Customize panel lets you modify global options, layout settings, adjust your brand colors, and adjust all the different areas of your site.

If you're looking for some design inspiration, take a look at our list of the best podcast website examples.

Note - The Customize area provides a lot of flexibility around global settings, layout options, colors, typography, and more. That said - this is generally not where you'd modify the actual content on the site - that can be done in the page/post editor and the podcast editing pages within the dashboard.

The customize area contains multiple sections. Each section has its own set of options you can modify. A brief overview of each section is provided below:

1. General Settings

In the 'General Settings' section, you'll be able to upload your logo, change your theme, set your default fonts and font sizes, change the primary colors and body background color, background color and more. It also includes a few more global options like the Voice Message widget, page transition animations, RTL layouts etc.

Example: updating your theme -

2. Header & Footer

Here you can find multiple settings for your site's header and footer, like adding your logo, change the header or navigation layout, add a "Top Bar" above your header, add navigation links/items or footer widgets, and hide certain elements if those are not needed.

Settings include:

  • Header Layout
    • Sticky / Fixed header (follows you as you scroll down the page)
    • Transparent Header (a 'floating' header mode that sits on top of the initial section on each page)
    • Logo (position, size, layout)
    • Navigation/Menu options (styles, position, typography, layout)
  • Navigation/Menu Links (add/modify menu items, add sub-navigation items, configure link icons etc.)
  • Top Header
  • Footer Layout
  • Footer Widgets
  • Footer Copyright

3. Audio Player

We offer a fully flexible and customizable podcast audio and video player. In this tab, you can find a bunch of settings related to your site's media player to adjust how it looks and works. We go over the audio player in-depth here.

4. Podcast Header (Singular)

Each podcast/show gets its own individual page automatically. This page displays general information on your podcast (title, artwork, description etc.) and then a list of the recent episodes.

The "Podcast Header" is the top part of that page. If you're using the default/dynamic homepage (rather than a custom one), this section would affect the front page as well.

5. Global Episode Lists

Episode lists can appear in many areas of your site. From the front page, to search result pages, the individual podcast page, archive pages (like category, tag or year pages) and more.

This section controls the default appearance of your lists/grids of episodes.

You can always override particular settings via the Page Builder editor, in case you're creating a new page that needs to look a little different.

6. Singular Episode Page

Each episode gets its own page, and in this section you can control the appearance of those singular episode pages. The singular episode pages are great for SEO, and can also help displaying longer transcripts or show notes.

7. Pages & Blog

Your site comes with unlimited custom pages and blog posts. This section helps adjusting the default layout for individual blog posts and pages.

Settings include:

  • Default Page Layout (page header settings)
  • Individual Blog Post Options

8. Sidebars

  • You can add a sidebar to 3 areas on your website:
    • Default Pages
    • Blog Posts
    • Episodes
  • From the Customizer you can enable/disable the sidebar on the different locations mentioned above. You can add multiple "Widgets" into the sidebar with any content you have in mind like a "Recent Episodes" list, subscribe/follow icons, search bar, contact form, text, images and more.

10. Subscribe & Social

Add your favorite podcast subscribe buttons and display those in the pop-up modal that opens after clicking the "Subscribe" button. You can also add unlimited social network links via this section.

11. Popups & Announcements

Create on-page popups to catch the attention of your visitors. More info here.

12. Coming Soon Mode

The "Maintenance" or "Coming Soon" mode helps you hide the site while you work on it, and display a temporary landing page with custom info. More info here.

13. Custom CSS

You can insert custom CSS code if you want to make design/layout changes on your own. The custom CSS applies globally, so you can add as many new modifications as you'd like.

Additional Customization

The customizer area is built to help you adjust global styles for your website. If you need to edit a particular page like your "Home" page or "Episodes" page, you can easily do it with the page editor.