Getting Started

Welcome to!

We have a bunch of articles and guides full of information about Podcastpage, but this page will focus on getting started quickly and give you a comprehensive overview of how the platform works.

Podcastpage allows you to create beautiful podcast websites. The platform makes it really easy to create, customize, and manage podcast websites. Having prior experience with websites, IT or coding experience is not necessary!

Getting Started: Checklist

  1. Create a website
  2. Connect your podcast
  3. Demo Data
  4. Bring your Custom Domain
  5. Integrations

Creating a website

Once you've signed up for Podcastpage, just follow the setup wizard. During the setup process, you will have to choose the site name, add your podcast feed, and pick a theme.

If you dismissed the wizard before creating a website, don't worry - you can always open it again by clicking on the plus (+) sign in the main page of your dashboard, or on the "Add New Site" link on the left sidebar menu. Both will launch the new site wizard.

Read more about creating websites here - Creating your first website

Connect Your Podcast

The podcast website is built around your podcast RSS feed.

Wondering what this actually means? By connecting your podcast to Podcastpage, it automatically pulls in your content and generates a few pages and sections. For instance, you will have a separate page with separate URLs for each episode. 

Basically, we import your podcast during the initial sync, and then keep it in sync automatically as you release new episodes. You can connect your podcast during the site setup wizard, or at any point from the "Podcasts" screen -

Read more here - Importing your podcast

Add a Custom Domain

Owning your own domain is one of the most important things you can do to promote your podcast website. This means you should purchase your domain (for example: from a domain registrar (like Namecheap, Google Domains, etc.), and then simply connect it to your website. 

Every Podcastpage plan includes the ability to connect your custom domain. (the free trial does not allow you to connect your domain, you will need to upgrade your plan before connecting your domain.)

Read more here on how to Connect your domain.

Demo Data

There are a few placeholders and demo data included with your new site to show you all that Podcastpage has to offer. You may want to adjust these before publishing your site. Here's a brief overview of each -

Demo Pages

In order to get you off the ground faster, we automatically add a few pages to your site when you create it. It's easy to modify or delete those pages and start over from scratch. In addition, we include navigation links to every demo page.

You can delete or adjust the content in the "Pages" screen. If you delete (or update) a page that also "exists" as a navigation link, it will be deleted (or updated).

Below are the demo pages:

  • Episodes - A custom page with all your episodes.
  • About - A custom page with demo data about the podcast and the hosts.
  • Reviews - Once you connect your podcast, we automatically try to find reviews on Apple Podcasts (iTunes) and Podchaser. The demo "Reviews" page displays all those imported reviews.
  • Contact - A custom page with a contact form.
  • Blog -The Index of all your blog posts. Add or remove posts in the Blog tab.

Social & Subscribe Buttons

As soon as you connect your podcast, we'll include links to the most popular podcast platforms and apps. Podcast subscribe (follow) buttons and social icons can help your visitors find your podcast on the apps they are usually using to consume podcasts.

You can edit/remove those buttons (or add other platforms/links like Spotify) via the "Podcasts" screen. Click on the "Edit Podcast" icon and you'll be able to modify your links. 

When you connect these destinations, don't forget to insert full valid URLs (with http:// or https://), otherwise it won't work properly.

Logo & Navigation

To modify your logo, go into the "Customize -> General Settings -> Site Logo" screen and upload a new logo image. You can also adjust the width of the image after uploading a new logo.

To add items to the navigation/menu, simply click on "Customize -> Header & Footer -> Navigation Links" to do so. 

Any URL can be added to the navigation. This can include internal links (to your site's pages, blog, blog posts, or episodes), external links (to other websites, like Spotify), and custom redirects. 

Read more about the navigation here: Adding items to the navigation bar.

Footer Widgets

A few sample widgets are included in the demo footer. You can edit or remove those or hide the footer if you prefer. You can also change the number of columns and widgets. Each widget can contain text, images, links, tables, and media. 

The pre-made widgets include:

  • Recent episodes - a list of the 5 latest episodes
  • Pages - a list of links to your pages
  • Subscribe/Follow buttons

Read more here - Editing your footer


Easily add any of the integrations we offer: Twitter, Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel and more. Read more about our Integrations.

That's it! You've made it through the initial checklist. Feel free to browse around, find other docs and articles, or contact us if you need any additional help.