
Your Podcastpage site comes with a customizable Header that appears on the top of all pages. 

The purpose of the Header is for the visitor to easily navigate across your website and find the relevant content.

Main Header

The main header contains two main elements you can easily modify -

  • Logo - when clicking on the logo it should direct the user to the Homepage.
  • Navigation / Menu - which contains links to the pages you want your visitors to see. Read more about how to add links to the navigation bar here.

Additionally, you can easily the following into your main header:

  • Search Icon - that lets the visitor search for specific episode.
  • Social Icons - which can make it easy for the website visitors to follow you on social media platforms.
  • Subscribe Button - that contains the links to your podcast across podcast apps and platforms.
  • "Donation" Button - You can easily add a "Donate" or "Support The Show" button into the navigation. More info on the donation button available here.

There are a bunch of settings in the "Customize -> Header & Footer" screen. You can adjust the header sizing, move the logo or navigation to the right, center or left of the header, change colors and much more. 

Top Header

The Top Header is a full-width banner at the top of your site (on all pages). This will show above your logo/navigation area and is very useful for announcements, promotions etc. To display and edit the top header go to "Customize -> Header & Footer -> Top Header". Click on the toggle to show the top header, and then edit the "Top Header Content".

Sticky Header

You can force the navigation to stick to the top of the page, even when you scroll down on longer pages. This is great if you want the user to always see the site's navigation no matter where they are on the page.

Transparent Header

A transparent header means that it does not have a background, but also, it essentially floats on top of the section that comes right after it. This means that if you have a background color or background image on the section that comes right after the header, your navigation would be on top of it. 

To make sure your transparent header looks good:

  1. Make sure the colors of the navigation font look OK on that background.
  2. Increase the Header Padding (Top & Bottom) or the Navigation Top Margin (in the 'Header & Footer settings').
  3. Increase the 'Podcast Header Top-Padding' so there will be enough space between the navigation bar and the podcast header. You can find the settings in the "Customize -> Homepage Podcast Header -> Top Padding".