Donations & Memberships

If you want to provide listeners the option to support your show, we include a few options around donations and membership integrations.

You can find the relevant options under the to the "Customize -> Donations & Memberships" tab. There are multiple platforms you can add links to in there, and you'll have an option to add a button in the navigation. 

This button opens a pop-up/modal window with the buttons you choose to add. If you want to add a heading text to the pop up window of the donations, write something in the 'Donation Modal Heading' field.

You can easily customize the button - adjust the background color, the text color, and the hover color of the text in the button. Additionally, you can adjust the border radius to make the button more rounded or square.

(0 = square, 50 = round.)

We currently support the following 3rd party solutions:

  • Buy Me A Coffee
  • Ko-Fi
  • Patreon
  • Paypal
  • Substack
  • Stripe

If you need a button to any other platform, just let us know!

You'll need to add your account link to allow your listeners to donate or become a member. Go over to the 'Customizer' -> 'Donations & Memberships' -> 'Insert your donation & membership buttons below' section.