Adding Items to the Navigation / Menu

If you want any page, episode, post custom link etc. to appear on your navigation bar menu, you'll need to add the link through the customizer.

Simply go to the "Customize -> Header & Footer -> Navigation/ Menu Links" screen. There you should add a new item - add a name (that will appear on your website, does not have to be the same as the page or the slug), and below add the slug or URL.

When you add a new navigation item, by clicking on the "Add Item" button, you'll be able to select any item from your existing "Pages" section:

Selecting one of the existing pages will already fill all the required information (page title + page URL) for you. If you want to add a "custom" navigation item that goes into any of your other inner pages, you can easily do that by adding the relative route to the page. For example, if you want to link to a blog post called my-blog-post, the "Menu Item URL" input should have /blog/my-blog-post.

To add external links, simply include the full path (including http:// or https://)

Once you have a few items in the navigation, you can drag and drop those items to organize the order they appear on the page.

Sub-Navigation items

We make it easy to add one more level of items into your website's navigation. It can be helpful in case you have a lot of links or need to group several types of links together. To add a new sub-navigation item, simply click on the "Sub Navigation" link below each "parent" (top level) menu item, and you'll see a new section of links added right below it. There, you can add as many links as you need, by clicking on the "+ Add Sub Item" button:

Navigation Item Settings

Each navigation item can also have a couple of advanced settings applied to it. For example, you can add an icon next to each navigation item, force the links to be opened in new tabs, or use a button layout rather than a regular text link.

To adjust those settings, simply click on the "Gear" icon on the right side of your menu item -