
Podcastpage lets you create a beautiful blog and integrate it into your podcast website. You can easily create unlimited articles/posts, and display them all on their own pages along with a main blog index page that displays all posts.

To create a new blog post, simply go into the "Blog" section of the settings panel:

The blog section contains a list with all of your blog posts, where you can create new blog posts, edit existing ones, or delete posts. When creating a new blog post you will need to set up the post title (at the top of the page), and add content. Additionally, there are a bunch of post settings available in the sidebar. You can add a "slug" that'd serve as the URL of the singular post page, attach authors/participants, and add a "Featured" image that would be connected to this post.

Each blog post also contain an "Excerpt" field. This is used as the short description that is shown on blog index pages. If you don't set up a custom excerpt, a short description would be generated based on the post content, but setting the excerpts manually adds a nice touch in case you prefer more specific descriptions.

SEO settings

You can adjust the post's SEO info via the sidebar.

Read more about the blog SEO settings here.

Blog index page

Your site automatically creates a "Blog" page to show all of your blog posts. You can access this page under the "/blog" URL of your site, for example:

You can easily edit that directly via your "Pages" section of the dashboard. If needed, you can even change the page title, URL, or add more content before/after the list of posts. You can add the "Posts" widget (a list or grid of blog posts) onto any page.

Scheduling blog posts (and publish on a future date)

You can easily modify the dates set for each blog post within the post edit screen (in the post sidebar). If you want to set a future date, and schedule the blog post to be automatically published on that exact date and time, it's easy to do with the same datepicker.