Membership Add-on

Several features around memberships are available in all plans so you should already have access to most functionality. That said, processing payments, offering paid memberships tiers and more are premium features and require upgrading your account with the Membership Add-on.

There are multiple tiers for the Memberships Add-on, depending on how many members you need. You can find information and instructions for upgrading in your Plans, Billing and Memberships screens of your dashboard.

The total number of members per site always include both free and paid members.

When your account includes multiple sites, you'll have to select the site when upgrading from the billing/plans page. The add-on only applies to one site at a time so you will have to upgrade each site separately -


You must have an existing base plan (in good terms) in order to upgrade the Membership Add-on.

Here are a few notes about how billing works for the add-on:

  • Monthly and annular billing cycles are available (annual plans get a discount, equivalent of about 2 months free).

  • Note that you have to keep your entire plan/subscription with the same billing cycle, so you cannot have the website billed yearly and the membership add-on billed monthly - they both have to match. (you can always switch between either one of the billing intervals as needed)

  • Whenever you upgrade, you will be charged right away - the total amount varies as it is always pro-rated based on your current plan and your next billing period. (for example, if you upgrade to the $20/month add-on, half-way through your current billing period, you'll only pay $10).

  • Your future invoices would include a final price for both the base plan cost and the membership add-on (unless the add-on is canceled).

  • At all times you can switch your base plan and/or upgrade or downgrade your membership add-on. When you upgrade your add-on tier, you will be billed immediately, and the payment will be pro-rated based on what you've already paid and when your main subscription is renewed.

    When you downgrade, you won't be billed but future payments would be using the lower add-on tier you've selected.

  • When you cancel your add-on, you'll still get access to all features until the end of your billing period.

  • Any sales tax / VAT or other fees would be applied (as required, based on your billing address).