Restrict Content / Access

Built-in membership features allow you to restrict access to select content. To add gated content, you must first set up a plan. (or use the existing Free plan).

Content you set as restricted would not be accessible to visitors who do not have appropriate access.

The individual pages would still show up on the site, alongside basic information like the title and short description (excerpt) but you'll find a CTA widget to prompt visitors to upgrade their plan -

Restricting content on plans

When you create or modify a plan, you can modify content restriction levels for multiple types of content -

  • Podcasts - when you add a podcast to a plan, all related episodes would become restricted.
  • Video Channels - just like podcasts, adding a channel to a membership tier would affect all related episodes.
  • Blog - You can set the entire blog as restricted to set all individual posts as restricted.
  • Pages - You can add any custom page(s) you have on your site.

Restricting individual posts / episodes

Individual entries can be modified separately, within the edit form of each episode/video/post. This is handled outside of the plans/tiers area since it easier to manage individual items in this context level.

On your podcasts and video channels, you can flag individual episodes and videos as private by associating them with a plan (or multiple plans) -

Once you select the appropriate tier, the episode would become private and only load for people with access -

The same process also applies for your blog. When you create or edit blog posts, you can associate each individual post with a membership plan (or multiple plans) as needed -

A few important notes -

  • As soon as you add any type of content to a plan (including the Free plan), this content becomes unavailable for visitors. (unless they've gained access to it by subscribing to a plan)

  • When you associate an item with just one plan, it also becomes unavailable on the other plans you have. If you need a certain item to be available on multiple plans, make sure to add it to all those plans.

  • When a subscribed member who has access to certain parts of the site tries to access a page that is not included in their original plan - they would see the call-to-action widget and be able to switch their plan to a higher tier.

  • Any content and rules you have on your Free plan would automatically mirror on your paid plans.