Connect Stripe Account

To create paid membership tiers and accept payments on your website, you'd have to connect your Stripe account. Follow the below steps to connect or create your Stripe account. (if you have an existing Stripe account for a different use-case or business, you can always create another account here)

Getting Started

If you haven't already upgraded the Membership Add-on, you'd have to do that in advance in order to be able to connect Stripe. Once upgraded, you'll see a Connect with Stripe button on your Memberships page -

Continue with the instructions on the Stripe onboarding page and connect your existing account or set up a new one -

Currently, you can only use one main currency on your website. By default $USD is used. If you prefer to use a different currency, you must select it before moving forward to creating paid membership tiers or accepting new customers -

That's all! You're now connected to Stripe so can create new membership tiers and accept payments on your site. Podcastpage takes 0% transaction fees so you get to keep all revenue!

Stripe fees do apply. It's about 3.6% + 30ยข per transaction, for processing and billing fees. Check the list of supported countries to see if you can use Stripe in your country.

Your Data on Stripe

We sync data between Stripe and your website. Every new plan you add would be saved on Stripe as well. All your paying subscribers would appear on your Stripe dashboard as well.

On your Stripe dashboard, you can create discount codes, cancel subscriptions for users and so on.

You're never locked-in on our platform - if you want to move out to a different platform - all your Stripe data can move with you. (and we're happy to help you import/export data if needed)


Your payouts are handled directly by Stripe. You can modify your payout settings via your Stripe dashboard. (more info here -