Adding Custom Code To Pages

Adding HTML, CSS and Javascript code to pages

The page builder includes an "Embed Code" widget you can use to embed HTML code (including iframes), CSS, and even Javascript onto any page.

Simply drag the widget onto any area of the page -

You'll then be able to paste (or write) the code there -

Adding basic HTML + CSS code (to blog posts, episode pages, etc.)

You can easily add HTML + CSS to your pages through the Page Content Custom Code Widget. Add code by clicking on the <> icon on the right as shown below.

A Source Code editor opens when you click on the <> icon. Below you can see the code that was added in order to get the design that appears in the image above.

Javascript code

You can add <script> tags to pages as explained above. If you need a script to be added globally on the entire site - You can add custom Javascript code and <link> tags via the General Site Settings page (this code will be added to your site's <head> section). When you add custom code, make sure you use the <script> tags appropriately.

It's only recommended to use this option if you know what you're doing, or you're sure you're copying the code from a reliable source.