Home Page

There are two options for setting up your homepage on Podcastpage. If you haven't selected a theme, or added any custom pages, you probably have the default homepage set up on your site.

Otherwise, you'll probably have the custom homepage option enabled. It's easy to switch back and forth between the two options. Here's a detailed breakdown of each option:

Default Homepage

By default, we automatically create a "dynamic" homepage for you, as soon as you import your podcast. This default homepage includes the latest posts from your website. If you have a connected podcast, it includes a main hero section/block about your podcast (title, artwork, description, subscribe buttons etc.), and then a list of your most recent episode right below. When you don't have a podcast added, it'd display your connected video channel or a list of your blog posts. The default home page looks like this:

Dynamic/Default Homepage

Custom Homepage

When you're ready to take it up a notch and create a more flexible and unique homepage, you'll be able to use the Page Builder to create your home screen. The page builder gives you unlimited options and you can really create a great looking page in no time.

Using a custom homepage is the recommended option - it is fully customizable, and gives you all the flexibility you need to make the front page of your site unique and beautiful.

To edit your custom homepage, simply head over to your "Pages" section and edit the page flagged as the "Homepage". (If you don't have a custom homepage yet, you can create a new one or assign any existing page to be your homepage)

Only one single page can be set as your homepage. If you set another page as a homepage, it'll replace the previous one.

If you delete your homepage altogether, the "default" homepage layout would be used instead.

Here you can see the simple process of creating a new home page on your site: