
We automatically import all reviews added for your show on Apple Podcasts (iTunes) and Podchaser.

Each website will already include a "Reviews" page and display all your podcast reviews by default. (assuming there's at least one review added to your podcast).

We import reviews from dozens of different Apple Podcasts countries (also known as "Storefronts") so you'll find all of your reviews right away. Any new reviews would be imported over time so your site will always get updated in case there's a new review.

Beyond those imported reviews, you can also add a form that allows your website visitors to write and submit new reviews directly on the website.

Displaying existing reviews and a review submission form

When you edit any page, (or even a blog post or episode), you'll notice 3 relevant widgets:

  • Reviews - Display a grid of all your reviews (either imported or site submitted). You get control over the layout and styles of the widget. If you have multiple podcasts on your site, this will pull mixed reviews from all shows but you can also filter it by podcast.

  • Review Carousel - Similarly to the grid, this helps you display your latest reviews but in a carousel layout rather than a grid.

  • Review Form - This widget would allow your website visitors to submit reviews on any page or section. The review is saved on your site and you'll get a notification once it's submitted.

Manage your website reviews

You can easily hide reviews that you don't want to display on your website. To do that, go to the Podcasts tab on the left menu.

Click on the star below the podcast title. You can sort/filter reviews by rating (1-5 stars), share the review on Twitter or Facebook, or hide the review. To see the hidden reviews click on View Hidden Reviews on the top-right.