Podcast Subscribe Buttons

When you connect your podcast to Podcastpage, we automatically add a few initial subscribe/follow links to popular podcasting platforms like Apple Podcasts, Podchaser, Spotify etc. -

At times, when we can't automatically match a certain show and its links, or when you're using different platforms, you will have to edit the icons manually. It's super easy to edit those links and add/edit/remove icons. 

To edit those links, remove some of them, or add new ones, you can head over to the "Podcasts" screen in your dashboard, then click on the "Edit Podcast" icon, and then modify the icons there -

If you have several podcasts or a podcast network site, every podcast would have its own set of buttons, so you can display separate buttons for all your shows.

To add these buttons to any page, you can add the "Subscribe Buttons" widget nearly everywhere around your site (including pages, blog posts, episodes, sidebars, footer widgets, and more).

By default, we also add a "Subscribe" link to your navigation. You can show/hide that link via the "Customize" area, under the header settings. This link opens a popup with your subscribe buttons (and newsletter opt-in forms if you've added one).

Additionally, the buttons appear on your home page (or on specific podcast pages). You can choose to display it in a few different layouts -

Subscribe buttons:

Subscribe icons:

Or just display a link to the subscribe popup/modal: